Sunday, September 14, 2008

one two three!

Ken and Neill's first adventure

two with Chad

Three just the two again

Friday, September 12, 2008

Being part of the world... yet apart from it.

What day is it? Is today Saturday? While I was touring, the Republicans and the Democrats both held their conventions and the Olympic Games for 2008 started and ended. These are pretty big events, and I was only vaguely aware of them at the time. While it is tempting to believe that one can completely escape civilization, that isn't really true with bicycle touring. To me, this is a big difference between backpacking and bicycle touring. The backpacker can, to a much larger extent, retreat from civilization. The bicycle tourist on a road bike is still connected to the grid; not the power grid, but the network of roads, and trails that humans have laid upon this world. Sure, there are off-road bike tours but I'm talking about the mainstream of bike touring.

As I said in "Slower Traffic Keep Right" bicycle tourists are traveling in a time layer that is quite different from the majority of the world. But that's really just one example of the on-again, off-again connection between the bicycle tourist and the rest of the world. That has to do with the passage of time, but I'm also talking about the significance of time. Knowing the date, or the day of the week, or accurately knowing the time of day is much less important to me when I touring on my bike compared with when I'm living the rest of my life. That doesn't mean I am able to ignore it completely. Recognizing the difference between weekday and weekend, or rush hour versus non-rush hour, can be very helpful. But who gets picked as a presidential running mate seems to pale in importance to how much longer it might continue to rain. "When am I going to eat next?" is a much more prominent question in my mind than "How many gold medals?"

But as the asphalt passes under my feet, and the cars whizz past, it is impossible to ignore the gravitational pull of civilization. My next water fillup might come from a convenience store and dinner might come from a grocery store in the next town. All these things are a constant reminder that I'm still a part of civilization, but in so many ways, I'm apart from it. What most matters to me while I'm touring on my bicycle becomes very basic. I need to protect myself from the elements; I need to maintain my health and nutrition, and I want to get to my destination. Any issue or concern that doesn't fall under one of those categories seems superfluous.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Slower traffic keep right

If you haven't had a dream like this, you've undoubtedly seen it on TV. The dream has the world moving around you in a high-speed blur while you are moving in slow motion. This is what bicycle touring is like for me. I'm traveling at a pace that most of the world can’t really wrap their minds around. The world around me is hopping in their cars and whisking away to their destination at about a mile a minute. By contrast, I’m plodding along at about one-sixth of that speed. What the motor-tourist can do in an hour could easily amount to a day’s effort on a bike. It’s like being in a different time zone. Every now and then the speeds synch up long enough to buy a Snicker’s bar or shooting down the backside of a mountain pass and taking the whole lane… Taking the lane because at 40 miles per hour I need a greater margin of safety to avoid pot holes, road debris, and the edge of the pavement, but also because I’m pretty much doing the posted speed limit. But these are fleeting moments and suddenly it’s back to being like a scene from the classic movie, “The Time Machine” or “The Matrix”.

Monday, September 8, 2008

It is different when you don't have to be back at work any time soon

Going for a ride on your bicycle is very different when you don't plan to be back home that day. We met these two and shared some space with them. They don't plan on being back home for a couple of years.
Ken and I were just a bit younger then Anna and Alister when we did our first tour. I think that we were still at it almost 30 years later, was an inspiration to them. Several days later, when we reconnected with them at the top of Sinclair Pass while I was at an emotional low point, their youthful enthusiasm, optimism, and sense of adventure raised my spirits more than I would have imagined possible. (The banana and orange juice helped too, so thanks again!) Bon voyage. Enjoy your trip. It will change you in ways that you can't anticipate.

Life is a Highway... but not all highways are paved!

Fudge? Maple Walnut of course!

Aragorn: Gentlemen! We do not stop 'til nightfall.
Pippin: But what about breakfast?
Aragorn: You've already had it.
Pippin: We've had one, yes. But what about second breakfast?
[Aragorn stares at him, then walks off.]
Merry: Don't think he knows about second breakfast, Pip.
Pippin: What about elevensies? Luncheon? Afternoon tea? Dinner? Supper? He knows about them, doesn't he?
Merry: I wouldn't count on it.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Lake louise

Wow they are burned and thin..worn around the edges. Steel legs with more than a month of pedaling. We had fun! 2 days at the Paradise Bungalows

Sunday, August 24, 2008

August 24 2008

Saturday, August 23, 2008

August 23 2008 Many Glacier to East Glacier

Greetings from Jasper

Arrived on schedule but a bit damp after a couple of days of drizzle and cold weather. From here we turn around and head back south tomorrow through B.C. Today we recharge and enjoy. 500 miles down and 4 major passes done and about the same left to do.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Waterton to Many Glacier

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

St. Mary's to Waterton Park

St mary's to prince of wales..only 47 miles

Its just the rain..the headwind and the mountains! But we made it! All 22 riders. Today a black bear crossed the road in front of dianne and I. It was so close to us! Luckly he did not look both ways before crossing! I dont think he even saw us.

alberta lunch break

half way!!!

we made it to st mary's today to Canada


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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

McDonald Lodge to Logan Pass 08/19/2008

August 19, 2008 Logan pass to St. Mary's

Another place we didn't stay

The hostel in Banff was very nice, but not quite as photogenic as this place.

Trans Canada Highway headed north

We will take the Bow Valley Parkway which parallels the highway all the way to Lake Louise.

The Prince of Wales Hotel

Ken and I didn't stay here.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Sitting on top of the world

Sulpher Mountain Banff

Took the gondola ride

West Glacier to McDonald Lodge 08/18/2008


The hostel in Banff has a pub and wifi.

Lunch spot in Bannf

linda is setting up bikes!

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womantour together


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linda is hard at work!

This is the bike fit in the parking lot of Pine Lodge in Whitefish Montana

the big rie begins

we will start the trip with a nice 11 mile ride along lake mc dowell. no phone service so you will have to wait for ride pictures. i am going to the sun.

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hungry horse montana

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the big ride begins

we will start the trip with a nice 11 mile ride along lake mc dowell. no phone service so you will have to wait for ride pictures. i am going to the sun.

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Day one

Day 1: Rendezvous in Whitefish for a rental bike fitting at 12:00 noon and an orientation at 2:00pm. Then we’ll enjoy a short warm-up ride along the lakeshore to the Lake McDonald Lodge. Built in 1915, the lodge is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. 11 miles.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Back at last..

I flew in from washington dc the airlines had lead me to believe i had a direct flight! Well that was not true. The connection was 2 hours late. The plane arrived and then there was a problem with the cockpit door..another 45 mins. Then the crew cant fly and we wait for new crew. It was afafter 2am when the plane landed. When i saw a camping sign in Hungry Horse i went for it. I drove over the dam still trying to find camping. Finally a gravel road to the right. I take it. The drive was a bit spooky lots of dead trees. Now i see its a steep mountain with a road cut, no place for the tent. So i find a wide spot in the road and park. I rearrange the stuff in the car. Set the ice chest outside and d blow up my air mattress. I sleep till sunrise..peek out and wow i can see a wonderful lake below me. I go back to sleep for a while, i hear on vehicle drive by, much later i hear a sound like the bike when i am coasting did ssomeone spin the back tire of my bike? Then i hear footsteps in the gravel comming up the road. They are at the car now and i decide to stick my head out of the sleeping bag and here is 3 deer, a mom and 2 young ones looking in the window at me. This was my night ata hungry horse dam.

Life is a highway

Turning west toward Banff

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Sunny and hot but we made it

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A new high

Hot and sunny but we made it!

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hungry horse montana


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my 2am camping spot!


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Friday, August 15, 2008

Morning in Alberta

Long day of riding yesterday, over 70 miles but this place was a pleasant surprise and a great place to spend the night.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Glacier National Park

This is the view at lake mcdonald. I am going to ride the bike up the going to the sun road! I start my tour on Monday!! Can't wait

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Tuesday, August 12, 2008